Thursday, July 21, 2016

How To Overcome Fear Of Water

The persistent and abnormal fear of water is known as aqua phobia or water fright. If you have this fear, worry not because, you are not alone. Like you, there a many people who are aqua phobic and there can be many reasons for a person to be aqua phobic. Most common of which is the fear of drowning. It can also be possible that you might have a traumatic experience in the water before or one of your family members experienced the same.
Whatever may be the reason, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you want to overcome your fear and here are some tips to help you do just that.
In order to overcome fear of water, you need to take baby steps which depends of how bad your phobia of water is. The Red cross swimming levels defines different levels of water skills that will help you to gradually overcome your fear of water.
1.         Level 1 is exploring the water: The safest place to begin the exercise of getting rid of your phobia is a swimming pool. This is a great start, especially for some people who are afraid of opaque water because of the fear of the unknown as they don’t know what could be lurking beneath it. Hence, the swimming pool that has crystal clear water is the best place to go. Get private swimming lessons to have some supervision. Try to wet your hands and feet, and get into the shallowest part of the pool. It is recommended that you try to get comfortable with the idea of being in a swimming pool.
2.         You may sit down and let yourself loose. You can see your legs and arms floating above water and you can actually feel the relaxation it gives. Spend as much time as you like and have fun till you actually like the idea of being in water.
3.         Scoop water in your hands and splash your face with it. Try this multiple times. Once in a while, try holding your breath and splashing your face with water. If you want, you may wear swim goggles to protect your eye from the water. Repeat the act for as long as you want until you become more confident in holding your breath for a longer period of time.
4.         Now that you are comfortable with being surrounded by water, you may go a little deeper. Try not to go too deep and keep the water level up to your chest. You can now move around in water. This is important because you need to maintain your balance which takes practice too. Walking on ground is different than walking in water, because the water provides some resistance and since the density is human body is slightly lesser than water, you may find yourself being floated every time you lift your leg to walk.
5.         When you think you have built enough confidence, you may try to submerge your head in water. Be sure to hold your breath when you submerge. You have to actively train your mind to keep your breath held for as long as you are in water. Slowly raise your head out of water when you think you will be running out of breath. Do this exercise initially for only a few seconds and then increase the time gradually. With this you will finish one level of the Red cross swimming levels and move onto another level.

Are you afraid to step into water? Do you see other kids having a good time in the pool and you wish you could experience the same but can’t? Check out Zodiac swim schools and try their private swimming lessons. Visit for more details.

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