Sunday, November 22, 2015

10 Things Your Child Can Learn from Drama Classes

Learning starts pretty early in a child's life. As a parent, you'd always want to help them grow in the best possible way and take every opportunity you can to support your children hone their skills, nurture their talents and at the same time, learn new ones.
There is so much the learning society has to offer to assist parents with this goal. There are camps and classes aimed for child growth and development and one of which is a drama class. There are many things your child can learn just by joining drama classes. Let us run you through some of them:
1.Dramas develop creativity.
Your children will learn and discover new ways to approach situations and people, which will broaden their comfort zone. They will find these instincts come naturally, which will help them with their performances in life in the future.
2. Through drama classes, children develop confidence.
Drama classes develop the child's self-esteem and in turn, build up their confidence. This helps them deliver a message convincingly, giving them a voice that is worthy of command and impeccable stage presence. Children are less likely to have stage fright when they grow older, and will be much more at peace with having an audience.
3. Drama improves language and communication.
Because of constant verbal activities, the children's phonics and the control of their voice will greatly improve. They learn how to express their ideas more efficiently and are less likely to struggle in the future.
4. Drama also improves focus and concentration.
Children will learn to pay attention to the lines, to the ways people act and talk, how emotions should be portrayed and many other things.
5. Drama encourages collaboration.
Most plays require children to act with other people, therefore presenting children into a group atmosphere. Through this, they learn how to collaborate with their fellow actors, therefore improving their social skills and help them become team players in the future.
6. Drama teaches the value of responsibility and accountability.
When children get exposed to working with other people, they learn that their decisions weigh something and can affect the people around them. They develop a sense of responsibility and will give their best to contribute to the success of their class.
7. Dramas can help children enhance their memory.
Some drama activities and plays may be spontaneous, but most of the time, plays require children to memorize their lines and deliver it like they mean it. Constant practice will give them better habits when it comes to studying and also give their brains sufficient amount of exercise to keep it stimulated.
8. Drama is one way children can learn through active play.
Think of all the costumes and wigs and all the props they make and wear for their little activities or even in actual performances. Children love to play and imagine a world filled with fun, and the amount of fantasy provided by drama will give them a good dose of imagination everyday.
9. Drama develops emotional intelligence in children.
Every single day of our lives, we act for various reasons. Because drama exposes children to enact certain character's emotions, they will learn how to recognize them and will be aware of these emotions and how they affect the people they meet in their everyday lives.
10. Drama classes may open doors to friendships.
Because children interact with one another everyday, eventually they will find their fellow classmates to be their friends and build relationships with other people.
There are so many values and skills that a child can learn from drama classes. Every parent should seize the opportunity to expose their child to this fun learning experience. Camps like Zodiac offer this opportunity for your children.
Zodiac has the Specialty Program dedicated for kids who want to specialize in certain fields and develop their skills along with other children. Come and let your child be part of the Zodiactors, and tread the journey of performing arts.

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